ETS也蹭iPhone 16热卖,新产品上市是否要第·一时间购买?让我们一起来看看考题回顾吧。
Doctor Diaz
We have read studies that explain the negative impact of social media on both children and adults, Many believe that social media will remain widely used in the future, since it is bothpopular and useful in some contexts. However, due to the problems it poses, it should be regulated in some way. n your opinion, should governments regulate social media platforms or should social media companies regulate their platforms themselves? Why do you think so?
l believe social media companies should regulate themselves. There are plenty of social media platforms on the market, so the competition is tough. For example, to appeal to parents, a social media platform could publicize that they have stringent regulations for children's use of the platform.In this way, it could attract more users who care about children's safety.
Social media companies should be taking an active role in combating the negative effects, but that is not really happening. l hear many stories of false information spreading around, sometimes causing irreparable damage to people's reputations. Therefore, the government should put stricter regulations on the companies, and they should be punished for not following the rules.
主题:是否要测速相机speed camera
Driving at high speeds is a major cause of serious car accidentson highways. Traditionally, speed limits on highways have beenenforced by police officers in patrol cars, but a new trend is to usespeed cameras placed along.highways. Speed cameras are devicesthat detect cars driving above the speed limit and take photographsof the cars' license plates. The photo serves as proof of a speedincoffense, and the car driver automatically gets a speeding ticket andusually has to pay a fine. There are several reasons why speedcameras should become the main method of enforcing speed limits
1. 各个路段都有可以促使司机更安全地驾驶
First, speed cameras can be very effective at getting drivers todrive more safely. Speed cameras can be placed in many locations along a highway. Drivers see traffic signs warning them about speedcameras and start realizing how manv cameras are present. They are thus forced to obey the speed limit for long stretches of highway and they gradually form the habit of obeying the speed limit at all times, not just when cameras are present.
2. 可以减少警力浪费在高速上,警察察不必巡逻 patrol高速公路,可以去做更多的事情
Furthermore, because speed cameras work automatically andrequire no human assistance, they can effectively replace policeofficers. This would free up some police officers from having to patrol highways and allow them to focus instead on more important police work.
3. 测速相机可以改善交通法庭的运作,有助于简化案件处理过程并减少争议;
Lastly, speed cameras can improve the functioning of traffic courts. Traffic courts operated by local governments are courts that ensure fair treatment of drivers. Drivers who wish to dispute their speeding fickets can bring their case before the court and get ahearing. Unfortunately, the number of disputed tickets is areat, the courts are overwhelmed, and the costs to local governments runhigh. The photographs of speeding cars taken by the speed cameras provide fair and conclusive evidence that will prevent most disputes and so reduce the number of court cases.
You have just heard several arguments in favor of speed cameras, but a closer examination will show that speed cameras should not replace police officers patrolling highways
1. 各路段有camera司机会投机取巧,看到camera急刹车,没有camera加速,不安全
First, although some drivers might respond to speed cameras by learning to drive moresafely, there can also be safety risks that cameras will introduce. For example, there will always be drivers who get to know camera locations and simply speed up in between cameras, and brake suddenly to slow down when they know they are approaching one. Now, many other drivers are used to following the flow of cars in front of them, so it can be a severe danger for cars that follow the driver who brakes suddenly because of the camera.
2. 警察巡逻高速公路不仅仅是为了抓超速者。他们还在那里阻止其他形式的不安全驾驶,如突然变道或边开车边打手机 。在速度限制以下发生的不安全驾驶行为有很多。如果没有警察,所有这些行为都不会被发现,甚至可能会增加。
Second, police officers are patrolling highways just to catch speeders. They are also there todiscourage other forms of unsafe driving, such as changing lanes improperly, or driving whiletalking on the cellphone. There is a lot of unsafe driving that happens below the speed limitsWithout police officers, all of them would go undetected and probably would increase
3. camera会malfunction,它们已经出现过故障,将某辆车与错误的速度关联起来,它们肯定还会再次出现故障。所以如果司机将他们的案件带到交通法庭,tv或者电视台一报道,大家都觉得自己可能被camera搞错了,所以都跑过来诉讼,court可能更多
Finally, speed cameras like all machines do not always work properly. They've been known to malfunction. so associating certain cars with wrong speed, They are bound to malfunction again. Okay, so those drivers will bring their cases before the traffic court, and the court will dismiss those tickets. But next thing you know, newspapers and televisions will get hold of the story. Soon, many drivers will be thinking that camera tickets are unreliable and bring their cases beforethe courts. In the end. the courts could become congested and overwhelmed as thew are now, if not more.
When new technology is invented, such as new mobile phones or computers, some people like to buy it as soon as it becomes available. Other people prefer to wait before they buy it. Which do you prefer and why? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Change to Funding Policy for Student Clubs
学校计划从下学期开始停止给clubs提供extra funding,一是有利于leader 提升管理金钱的skill;二是有其他方法raise money;
costly signals
指动物通过发出某些身体信号来展示其强壮性,这些信号可能使动物更易受到捕食者攻击,但能幸存下来从而证明其力量。(Physical signs or indications that an animal makes to communicate to potential mates.)
听力举例一种鸟:the peacock's tail
Two advantages of being in a business network
例子:a restaurant owner who needs an accountant假设有一个餐馆老板加入了一个business network,假设其中有一个会计。餐馆老板可以雇佣那个会计师的服务来帮助自己管理财务。这比寻找另一个会计师要容易因为来自 business network的会计师她已经认识并更信任
2.推荐和获取新客户,这种推荐有助于网络中的成员获得新的客户和业务机会。例子:a restaurant owner who needs an accountant餐馆老板认识很多其他不在她人脉中的餐馆老板。如果这些人需要会计师,她可以推荐她的那个。
英国纺织相比于欧洲的优势,提到fulling process (缩绒工艺)
哺乳动物大范围灭绝的原因: 先说可能是由于气候变化,但是文章后面进行了否定,因为之前也有气候变化,但是也没有灭绝。然后猜测和人类捕杀有关,但澳洲等一些地方的考古证明一些灭绝的动物已经和人类和平共处了上千年,而且一些人类更爱捕杀的动物如reindeer反而没有灭绝。最后说人类活动间接导致了这些动物的灭绝。
- lron in Ancient Africa
古代非洲的铁器技术发展。最早被广泛使用的金属是铜,后来是青钜而铁器的生产始于公元前1500年左右。尽管铁的生产过程复杂,但由于铁的硬度较大,使得铁制工具和武器比铜和青铜更为优越。学者曾认为非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南的铁技术来自安纳托利亚,因为该地区具备所需的知识和技能。然而,最早的非洲铁器生产证据出现在梅罗王国,约在公元前 500年左右,早于埃及与安纳托利亚的接触。尽管有学者认为铁技术是虎哥托福整理通过埃及传播到梅罗的,最近的研究表明,非洲其他地区是独立发展铁技术的。中非地区在公元前1000年左右就有铁器制作的证据而东非大湖地区在公元前900年左右就有铁治炼活动。西非和东非地区在公元前 600年左右就广泛使用铁器,南非则在几百年后掌握了这一技术。虽然铁技术在非洲传指相对较慢,但它对农业、狩猎和手工业的发展产生了积极影响。铁工具使得农业更为高效,促进了农业社区的扩展。然而,由于铁矿石的稀缺,铁制品需要远距离运输同时铁的生产过程也较为困难,因此铁匠在社区中占有尊贵的地位。
-Euglena : EcosystemEngineers
文章开头描述了伯克利坑湖的形成和特点,这是一个位于美国蒙大拿州巴特市的前露天铜矿,现在是一个充满酸性和重金属污染水体的湖泊.极端微生物的发现: 个绍了在伯克利坑湖中发现的极端微生物一一变种眼虫 (Euglenamutabilis),这是一种能在极端环境中生存的单细胞生物。
-Silver in NorthAmerica in the Late Eighteenth Century
18世纪后期北美的银器和银制品具有多重含义。通过银匠如保罗·里维尔(Paul Revere) 等的记录,我们了解到社会态度和消费者购买习惯。里维尔的顾客来自各种社会经济群体,包括工匠、中等收入的商人、商业精英和政府任命的官员。他主要生产低端商品,如餐具、鲜扣、纽扣和马具配件,而精英则更喜欢从英国或其他欧洲国家购买更精致的银器
C1: 学生和employee的对话,关于training session和课程冲突了
C2: 学生和教授关于一篇论文写作的讨论
L1: 一篇讲座是关于建筑保护;
L2: 一篇讲座是关于材料化学;
L2:艺术史。high renaissance,提到过去买家会给艺术家钱,委托他们创作作品。还提到蓝色颜料曾经很贵,但后来逐渐被其他颜料取代。
C1:art history,讨论一个周五的博物馆trip,论述了一个东西的不同功能然后保存形式不科学,最后学生说希望在博物馆里 presentation教授觉得花太多时间
C2:学生Thomas 表达了对上周六与州立大学比赛失利的失落,尽管这只是场季前友谊赛。教练安慰他,强调这场比赛是为即将到来的正式比赛做准备
L1:考古学。讨论了在最后冰川最·大期 (LGM) 期间生活在塔斯马尼亚的史前人类。
L2:地球科学。讨论了降水的形成以及气团如何因升高而冷却以产生降水。教授介绍了三种降水机制: 对流降水(convection precipitation)、锋面降水(frontal precipitation)和地形降水”(orographic precipitation)。对流降水发生在温暖的空气因冷空气的挤压而上升。锋面降水则是两种不同温度和密度的气团相遇时,温暖的空气被迫升高。地形降水,也称为峡谷降水,发生在风遇到山脉等地形障碍时,空气被迫上升,从而导致隆水。教授以新西兰的南阿尔卑斯山为例,说明了峡谷降水的典型情况。