支招小作文(58) | 【饼图+表格】单一时间内 项目间比较

苏州编辑 2021-09-01 15:16





第·一句话说明图的大意:Shown in the chart are the employment choices of Anthropology graduates from one particular university,这前半句话中注意下划线部分是引起了一个倒装句(主语和系动词位置颠倒的倒装),这种倒装结构可以当成模板套用。注意:系动词的单复数由后面名词的单复数决定,并不就是are。同时注意:柱、饼图惯用bar,线图惯用graph。and the table sorts those graduates by three types of employment and by four ranges of salary. Overall, there is conspicuous disparity in terms of both the choices and the salaries.第二句话说明图的最宏观最直观的特点。


小编喜欢把内容写紧凑,所以一句话就能概括一整个饼的时候,就不用两句话,但是需要通过句型来实现这种紧凑:With the overwhelming 52% compared with a range of small percentages (5% to 15%), the contrast between full-time employment and the other destinations is manifested. 第·一个句子是用独立主格作状语说明主句中的内容以什么样方式发生,再写主句。同时注意:状语中描写和凸显了【比较】作为表格的关键考核内容。It is also notable that working while studying accounts for merely 5% of graduates. 然后,可以补充一下5%作为最小值的具体情况。如果忘记补充了,问题也不大。

你肯定和小编一样觉得表格是写作的内容重点,因为表格里的数据多。的确如此,所以第二段的篇幅大。这也是为什么上一段的时候,小编写紧凑些,把字数空间和时间省下来给第二段写表格。In terms of the salaries by the sectors that employ those graduates, both commonality and dissimilarity are clear.第·一句话写宏观。然后拆开来写微观的值得注意的地方。并且小编用了第·一、二、三、四这样的序数词引导和方便读者。First, freelance consultants and government employees have exactly the same percentage not only on the first salary level but also on the second. 这一句关键注意not only but also这个平行结构的语法要求。Second, the proportions are both small, contrasting sharply with the greater proportions of workers who earn higher salaries.这一句注意动词分词引导的伴随状语这个语法现象,以及这一句话描述了【比较】作为表格的关键考核内容。同时注意:比较关系不是一定是比较级或者最·高·级,“不同”、“相似”等概念也是比较关系。这一点在本段的第·一句有体现。Third, among the higher earners, there is a small discrepancy -- 10%-- between freelance consultancy jobs and the government sector. Last, in the private sector, the distribution is obviously different.此处一个短句调节一下写作的节奏,也就是两三个长句之后,用一个短句缓一下。Expect in the first salary range, where exists a limited portion of employees, employees account for similar proportions ranging from 25% to 35%.最后一个句子的语法有一些难点/易错点:一、except后有in,而不只是except,不然的话,比较就不一致了;二、where作为关系副词引导的定语从句中出现了倒装现象(表达地点或抽象地点的词置于句首时的主谓倒装)。


Overall, difference is apparent, and similarity is limited in both employment destinations and salaries. 







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