

作者:新航道 2019-03-22 14:36 来源:苏州编辑

剑桥雅思8Test1大作文范文-教育类话题:一些人认为父母应该教育孩子成为的社会成员,另外一些人认为,学校应 该是承担这种教育的地方。Some people believe parents should teach their children to be good members of society, but I and others think school is the main place for this to be taught.



  1. 需要关注双方的观点。

  2. 由于答案不可能是仅靠父母或学校就能教育孩子们成为一名的社会成员,因此,选择陈述双方的观点会更容易些。



  这篇作文需要一个简短介绍和简要的结论。正文应有两到三个段落,每段阐述一个要点。考生可以选择三个及以上的段落,如果他们的文章超过 300 个单词的话。建议考生单独写一个段落来阐述与题目意见相反的观点,或者考生在正文各段中提及反方的观点。考生写文章时要尽量避免观点过于极端,不要建议仅由父母或仅由学校承担教育孩子成 为的社会成员的重任。



  两篇观点不同的参考范文(250字—300字) 参考范文 1——建议是学校

  Some people believe parents should teach their children to be good members of society, but I and others think school is the main place for this to be taught.

  The main reason why I think schools should primarily be responsible for teaching children to be good members of society is that children spend more time at school with teachers than with their parents. The children are also in a formal learning environment. This combination provides more opportunities for teachers to show children how to behave as good members of society. The teachers can also ensure that all the children have the same chance to learn the same things about being good members of society.

  If parents are made more responsible for teaching their children to be good members of society, then many parents might find they do not have the time for this. Parents have many responsibilities such as work and taking care of the home. Of course, many parents will naturally prefer to do other things with their children, such as having fun and visiting places of interest. In addition, some parents might not be as experienced as teachers at teaching children, so the children might not learn as well as at school.

  There will always be plenty of parents who have the time, willingness and ability to teach their children to be good members of society. However, many more will find it difficult and need extra help. Some will ask other parents or consult books or websites. I do not think there is anything wrong with this, but we should not assume that all parents will do it.

  In summary, I think parents will often teach their children to be good members of society, but this should mainly be done at schools.

  (294 words)



  参考范文 2——建议是父母

  I think that the main responsibility for teaching children to be good members of society lies with parents rather than schools and shall outline my reasons in this essay.

  I think that most parents know their children well enough to be able to teach them to be good members of society. At school, children are often in large classes and therefore do not receive so much individual attention. When teaching children to be good members of society, I think that this individual attention is important, because some will have learnt about membership of society and others not. The parents will generally know this and be able to fill any missing gaps in their child’s knowledge.

  Secondly, parents and their children will probably spend more time together in a variety of social situations, whereas teachers and their students spend most of their time together in the classroom. The variety of social situations gives the parents more teaching opportunities, for example while shopping, at public events and at family gatherings. Of course, these opportunities give children the chance to learn to be good members of society from other adults, not only from their parents.

  Thirdly, I believe that schools and teachers should focus on academic subjects. There is often little enough time for these at schools, so making parents responsible for non- academic things, such as teaching children to become good members of society is a good idea. However, there will be opportunities for teachers to point out in class how children can be good members of society, for example when teaching children about the environment.

  To conclude, I think there are clear advantages in having both parents and schools teach children how to be good members of society, but parents should take most of the responsibility.

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