* 柱图,选自《剑桥雅思真题集15》
* 看明白写作的内容思路(对于图表中信息的取舍)。
* 还要注意句子之间是什么样的联系,是怎么建立这些联系的。
* 小作文不要洋洋洒洒写太多词。建议控制在180词以内。
Shown in the chart is a five-city survey about Australians’ preference for certain types of coffee and tea during the past four weeks. Overall, there are apparent similarities and differences between those Australians.
* 第·一句介绍图表的主题是肯定要的。
* 第二句总述图表特征。老章这里用的是一个套话。
Fresh coffee, chosen by less than 45% of people in each city, was the least popular choice in the past four weeks. Its undesirability was particularly notable in Brisbane, Adelaide, and Hobart. Instead, people were more likely to buy instant coffee, as at least half of those cities’ coffee drinkers chose fresh coffee.
* 注意CC文脉:
* 注意措辞:避免直接陈述百分比,而是可以把百分比抽象化。比如可以用:the least popular choice、were more likely to。
As for the third choice – going to a café for coffee or tea, four of the five cities showed an inclination for it as it was the choice of more than 55% of people in those cities. Adelaide was the only exception, where café coffee was the second choice, which lagged behind instant coffee by a negligible margin.
* 这是主体部分的第二句。注意:通过分段,行文思路显得更清晰。
* 注意措辞:两个长句整合信息。第·一个句子中,是通过as引导的状语从句实现的。第二个句子中,是通过两次定语从句实现的。
The general pattern is clear: those Australians were more favorably disposed to coffee or tea served in a café.
* 结尾段落的内容要根据主体部分的内容进行总结,避免出现主体部分没有说到的情况。