第·一句话说明图的大意:The two graphs respectively depict a country’s changing ownership of three home appliances since 1920 and the time a household spends on doing household chores during the same period.第二句话说明图的最宏观最直观的特点:Overall, both the increasing ownership and the decreasing time are evident.
老章观察三条线的情况后,决定把洗衣机和吸尘器归位一组,两个一起先写。原因是这两个家电的特点比起冰箱的而言一般,且线形在一定程度上接近,所以先写着两个(这样的分组对于写作很重要):The ownership of washing machines grew steadily to 100% from the starting 40%, and the number has since stayed at the maximum level.第·一句话一句话了结了洗衣机,因为最没有特点,尽量少说。然后写吸尘器:In terms of vacuum cleaners, whose initial percentage was 30%, although its presence shows a 45% growth in general, the growth has been sluggish since 1960.这句话用了although这个让步,句子的逻辑是“从整体到特殊细节”,即“虽然整体如何,但是特殊要注意的是什么”。这个句子模式和对应的逻辑模式可以套用。The two decades after 1960 even saw a long-time slide. 吸尘器的特点多一些,所以也多写一些。
最后单独写冰箱,毕竟最特别,可以慢慢写,也许需要多写一些:The remarkable popularization of refrigerators took a comparatively short time,这前半句的写作思路有难度,但是值得学且可以学。字面意思是“时间短”,言下之意是“速度快”。and during the surge from zero to 90%, refrigerators had become more common than the other two items. 这后半句用到了过去完成时,强调“过往时间内已经达成的结果”,不要求绝·对掌握。The growth continued, making the country achieve the full coverage of refrigerators twenty years before washing machines became 100% popularized.最后这个句子用到了伴随状语,建议在作文中设计一次,值得学。但是这个伴随状语的内容本身又一些难度,如果可以理解,其实也是值得学的。这个段落中,每一句话里有出现了【比较】,留意。线图中也可以有【比较】,尤其发生在线与线之间。
最后当然是写第二张图:With those home appliances used extensively throughout the country’s households, there has been substantial reductions in the weekly time spent on doing housework – from 1920’s 50 hours to today’s 20 hours.第·一个句子很长,因为前面的独立主格结构形式的状语字数较多。独立主格结构形式的状语置于句首表方式或条件,这个语法现象值得学习。The 40 earlier years witnessed most of the rather fast fall.第二句补充说一些特殊情况。